Sunday, October 12, 2014


   Words have power.
So much power.
They are able to hurt, kill, and despise.
They are able to encourage, build, and comfort.
They can create worlds, imaginary places, and things the human eye has never seen before.

  As a writer, you hold that power in your hands. You have the ability to change thoughts, decisions, entertain, and so much more.
That is scary to me. What am I doing with my power? Am I using it correctly?


   You didn't thing of that, did you? Sitting alone at a desk and computer with a cup of tea or coffee, thinking that you are unsocial. 
You might feel out-of-place with people in the real world, but you are ever so much more comfortable with people in worlds that are all your own.
Being a writer is and AMAZING hobby/occupation.  I love this quote:

"I don't read because I don't have a life, but because I choose to have many." - Unknown

This is the same thing with authors/writers.

What are YOU doing with your power?

Have a good Sunday!
-The Bandit